Episode 3 - Weird Double Whammy
Welcome back Weirdos! On episode 3 of Into the Weird, we talked about two short bizarre Bronze Age back up features from 1971.
The first story we reviewed was the first appearance of Man-Thing, from Savage Tales #1.
Here we learned of military scientist Ted Sallis' transformation into the shambling swamp dweller, and discussed the similarities between Man-Thing and DC's Swamp Thing, not only in the origins of the two characters, but also in their almost simultaneous first appearances.
We also talked about the coming-out-of-retirement Doctor Strange story in Marvel Feature #1, where we learn what has been going on at the Sanctum Sanctorum in the past few months, and we get a resolution to the sub-plot concerning Strange's infamous "masked" costume.
For our "Get Off My Lawn" segment, Herman talked about the Man-Thing series by R.L. Stein from 2017, and I chatted on a bit about Roy Thomas's dialogue skills in the late 80s/early 90s Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme series.
We want to give a special thanks to Allen Carpenter for our first iTunes five star review, and the first recipient of our "Nexus of All Reviews" alternate reality counterpart. If you'd like Herman and I to search through the multiverse for your other dimensional doppelganger, be sure to head over to iTunes, say some nice stuff about us, and give us a five star review.
As always, our opening theme music for this episode was "In the Walls, by the amazing Seven Kingdoms. Be sure to like and follow them at Facebook.com/SevenKingdomsOfficial.
Be on the lookout for our next episode, where we'll talk about the first appearance of everyone's favorite living vampire, Morbius!
Until then, stay weird!
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